Metalwork and Steel Detailing Shop Drawings

CDS provides metal shop drawings for a variety of construction professionals and for a variety of applications. We work with suppliers, manufacturers, fabricators, contractors, subcontractors, and engineers and architects. And we complete shop drawings for individuals.

Our steel and metal fabrication drafting services are known for producing shop drawings for all types of metal structures. We also assist MEP fabricators for MEP shop drawings and specialized plumbing and piping drawings, ductwork, firefighting and other mechanical equipment’s fabrication and installation.

The steel shop drawings need to be in the right presentation and very accurate for a building to be complete. Shop drawing does not show only the plan view. Drawing includes the specifications, the direction, shape, thickness, and the measurements of steel elements. CDS ready to provide your next project’ s drawings.

Steel stair shop drawings need to be accurate too. Staircase shop drawing set includes the thickness of materials, the overall shape and type of materials. It is important to work on real staircase opening dimensions rather than architectural drawing set shown. This will guide the contractor, the installer and the architect, on the correct way of placement.

Steel Detailing is the production of shop drawings for a steel fabricator. A steel fabricator is a company who provides, and sometimes - installs, the steel framework for a construction project. A steel detailer's duty is to generate the drawings that the fabricator will use to cut and weld all the necessary members together. A steel detailer also generates the layout instructions to facilitate the installation and erection of the steel framework.

Please browse through steel drawings, framing plans for some of our previous projects. All steel shop drawings can be customized to meet the needs of the steel fabricator. CDS is firmly committed to 100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, AND WORKMANSHIP at competitive PRICES! We would love to hear from you and discuss your next project. You can call or email our friendly staff for a quote or to just to simply brainstorm ideas and go over your projects requirements. Let our skilled steel detailing team of experts show you a how we can efficiently help you with your future projects goals. We are always here to help!

Our prefered metalwork contractor is Forgepol Blacksmith located in Hamptons, NY

Our prefered metalwork furniture contractor is RBL Metals located in Glendale, NY