Exterior Elevations Drawings
What is exterior elevation?
An exterior elevation is a two dimensional drawing that shows what each side of the house looks like from the outside. The drawing provides the builder with key information about the home. This sheet contains a lot of information that can be used by the builder to create the home as it was designed.
The exterior elevation is much like the foundation layout sheet. While there are dimensions that must be adhered to such as the finished floor and plate height and the roof pitch, there are things that can be changed is absolutely necessary. Things of a more decorative nature can always be changed or altered to better suit your own specific style. Things like banding detail, sill detail, and roof tile (or shingle type) can be changed, but following the plans will assure the best results.
Exterior Elevations Modification
If you have come across a floor plan that you like but you do not see the specific exterior style you want, contact us. We have a modification service that can make alterations to the plan to better suit your own personal style. After all, no one is better suited to altering our plans than we are
Next we will be talking in detail about the Building Section and Interior Elevations sheet.